Signed in as:
Oct. 18, 2024: 9 AM - 6 PM
Oct. 19, 2024: 9 AM - 4 PM
Admission $10 for 2 days.
Free: ≤10 years of age
Free parking. Handicap accessible.
Click on the Download buttons below to download files below.
The Great River Quilt Show is held biennially. Quilts are judged by NACQJ certified judges and ribbons are awarded in many categories.
The quilt show is an amazing event showcasing many talents of quiltmakers and fiber artists. This educational event includes demonstrations, charity boutique, raffle opportunities, second hand treasures, and vendors. Eye Candy for the soul everywhere.
Attendance is open to the public but only MVQG members may enter quilts in the show. (Refer to the About Us webpage, which has a member application at the bottom of the page.)
Scroll further for additional information on activities available at the show.
For the 2024 show, we made TWO raffle quilts. Two lucky winners will be drawn during the quilt show. Scroll down to view the videos and photos below. Other photos will be sprinkled throughout the Website.
The 2024 show Raffle Quilts took 8 dedicated MVQG team members to cut, piece, applique, quilt, bind and add a hanging sleeve and embroidered label.
Raffle quilts are revealed during the September Guild meeting (prior to the next year's show) with ticket sales beginning in January the year of the show. Members will have tickets available for purchase.
MVQG members, vendors and other donors provide items to the Guild from which we create both beautiful and useful gift baskets.
Tickets may be purchased during the quilt show, The baskets are chock full of items, gadgets and products of interest to quilters and to non-quilters. With many baskets to choose from, the chance of winning one is considerably better than the chance of picking winning numbers for a lottery ticket!
We are excited to welcome the following vendors to our 2024 quilt show. Scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on a vendor icon to view their website or Facebook page. Or, click to view this info on the Resources & Advertisers page.
A Certified Quilt Appraiser will be at our quilt show. An appraisal is a “hands on” examination of the quilt. Quilt appraisals can range from a family heirloom, to an acquired vintage quilt, to a quilt that has special meaning for the owner. Appraisals are useful for insurance purposes, for pricing a quilt for future sale, or a useful tool to prove the value of a quilt to disbelieving loved ones. These quilts are NOT store-purchases-off-the-shelf items but works of art to be cherished for generations!
Refer to Resources and Advertisers page for more info on quilt appraisers.
Handmade items donated by MVQG members will be available for sale at the 2024 Great River Quilt Show. A variety of items including purses, table runners, and small quilts will be for sale.
All proceeds from the Small Quilt and Related Items Boutique will be distributed to local charities selected by the Quilt Show Committee.
MVQG members (and other generous donors) cleaned out their sewing rooms and craft supplies and donated items to the guild. These treasures will be available in the Second-Hand Treasures booth at the Great River Quilt Show. It is a quilter’s dream garage sale! There are quilt magazines, quilt books, fabric, quilt patterns, quilt making tools, thread, orphan quilt blocks, and quilt tops. Non-quilted items include vintage linens, scrapbooking supplies, cross-stitch and embroidery supplies, trims, yarns and much more. All items are garage-sale priced to sell. Plan to visit Second-Hand Treasures at the Great River Quilt Show!
The MVQG provides many demonstrations during its quilt show. Bed turning is a mini quilt-history program. Vintage and newer quilts are layered on a bed. The story of the top quilt is told and when the speaker is done, the quilt is folded back to reveal the next quilt and so on until all of the stories have been told. As many folks know, every quilt truly has a story.
Tickets: 1 for $1 or 6 for $5
They can be purchased:
Winner does not need to be present to win but the writing does need to be legible so we can read who to call.
The 2024 show Raffle Quilts took 8 dedicated MVQG team members to cut, piece, applique, quilt, bind and attach a hanging sleeve and embroidered label.
TEAM: Glenda Flaherty, CJ Jolly, Linda Klyman, Shelly Moore,
Judy Nelson, Diane Schloemer, Laura Strickland, Dawn Thompson
The photo to the right is the label for one of TWO raffle quilts.
Mississippi Valley Quilters Guild