Bringing Your Ideas to Life Educating In & Encouraging the Quilting Arts

Welcome to the MVQG Website.
Look around and consider joining the MVQG. Questions? Contact MVQG@MVQG.ORG
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Welcome to the MVQG Website.
Look around and consider joining the MVQG. Questions? Contact MVQG@MVQG.ORG
The Mississippi Valley Quilters Guild was organized in 1983 to educate and encourage members in the quilting arts; encourage high standards in color, design, and construction of the quilted medium; and to stimulate interest in quilting in the community.
Click the button below to be taken to the Membership Application, which is further down this page.
The Great River Quilt Show is held every other year in even numbered years. The show is an exciting and educational event that requires a huge amount of preparation. We are always excited to have the opportunity to showcase the amazing talents of our members.
What a great show! See you in 2026!
Click the button below to be taken to the Quilt Show Web page.
MVQG General Meetings are held the 1st Tuesday of the month. at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm.
First Congregational Church, 2201 7th Ave, Moline, IL.
Apr 1 Presenter: Leslie Stone Swearinger
1 PM: Journey to Improv & Trunk Show
7 PM What is Modern Quilting and How Do You Start?
Apr 2 Class: Large Scale Large Impact Blocks
In this full day workshop you will learn the following elements: Large scale improv quarter circles blocks Large scale improv log cabin block Large scale improv X blocks This will be an exciting but fast paced class.
**Class details and location will be shared at general meeting and in Newsletter.
Thank you to our advertisers for promoting quilting. Click/tap the button below to visit our Resources & Advertisers page for information about current friends of the MVQG and then go quilt and shop!
Would you like to become a Guild member? Or attend a meeting? Or have a question you'd like to email? Read on...
We are located in the Quad-Cities area and have members in both Illinois and Iowa. We meet the first Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. at First Congregational Church, 2201 7th Ave, Moline, IL.
Click the linked address above to open the Google Map.
Interested in joining? We would love to welcome you as a guest at one of our meetings.
Not a MVQG member? Click the Non-Member Sign Up button below if you're interested in receiving information not specific to members , such as Great River Quilt Show general information.
Joining the MVQG gives you access to monthly lectures, classes, quilting events and an entire community of new quilting friends.
If you're ready to join the Guild, click the Download button below to apply. Need more enticement? Scroll down. ↓
MVQG Membership Application 2024-2025
Membership Year runs from September - August
MVQG_Membership_App_2024-2025 (pdf)
DownloadMonthly meetings at no charge, nationally known speakers, door prizes, and Show and Tell
Monthly Newsletter
Email updates
Use of Guild Library
Ruler Rentals
Membership Directory
Discounts for classes presented by nationally–known quilters
Discounts for workshops taught by Guild members
Eleven monthly Quilt Get-Aways
Spring and Fall Quilt Retreats
Annual Quilt Challenge
Monthly Sit N Sew (Member Opportunities) groups
Quilting activities
No fees for Quilt Show Entries and judging by NACQJ (Nat'l Assoc. of Certified Judges)
Community Involvement through Guild projects:
— Charity Quilts, Doll Quilts, Habitat for Humanity Quilts, area mini-quilt shows
Free admission day to Figge Art Museum during MVQG Special Displays
Quilting inspiration, fun, and friendships!
Membership is open to anyone interested in quilting. The Guild year runs from September 1st to August 31st. Dues are $35.00 per year payable in August and September. New members joining on or after the first day of March of any year shall be required to pay half of the regular annual dues for full membership privileges until the following September. (Note: This does not apply to renewing members.) A new member is anyone who has not been a Member of the Guild for the last two (2) consecutive years. Student membership, intended for high school and college students, is $17.50 per year.
Guests are always welcome! After two visits, guests are requested to become guild members. A $5 fee is charged for guests at meetings with outside speakers.
The easiest way to join is to come to one of our monthly meetings and sign up. If you want to mail your application, mail the completed membership form plus your check (made out to MVQG) to:
Mississippi Valley Quilters Guild
Box 2636
Davenport, Iowa 52809
Email questions to:
Mississippi Valley Quilters Guild